Services covering the City of Greater Dandenong, City of Casey and Cardinia Shire


Cranbourne Information & Support Service Inc
Provides information, advocacy and referral services, as well as crisis support services such as emergency relief (food, petrol and chemist vouchers, food parcels, support with education expenses, Myki Day Passes, etc.). The agency also provides counselling, financial counselling, and a No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS).

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Cardinia Shire Youth Support Program
Cardinia Shire Youth Workers provide information, referral, and support to young people, aged 12 – 24 years, who live, work, study or recreate in Cardinia Shire. Youth Workers are onsite each day at My Place Youth Facility. Monday – Friday, 1 pm to 5pm. Young people, parents and professionals/educators who work with young people are invited to call (18004YOUTH) or pop into My Place Youth Facility during these times. (5 – 7 Main Street Pakenham) Councils qualified Youth Services Officers will be available and ready to assist! Youth Services Officers can assist young people to access, for example, local social, life skill and support groups, as well as assisting in making referrals to specialised support services where needed. This may include drug and alcohol, Centrelink, legal matters, mental health, employment and training, or housing. Our Youth Services Officers are also available during the advertised hours to directly support young people within areas such as: Bullying Family conflict/friendship issues Life, school, or work stresses Building resilience and coping with difficult situations Sexuality/Gender/Identity My Place Youth Facility has a variety of games, electronics (VR/PlayStation and Xbox), computers, and snacks available for any young people who are seeking a fun, safe, and inclusive space to hang out.

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SECL Youth Services Drop In Service
Drop In Service: The Youth Links Drop In service operates from 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday. The service provides information, referrals, initial assessments, personal support, crisis intervention, advocacy, emergency relief and other practical support to young people aged 14 to 25 years.

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Casey North Community Information & Support Service
Provides a range of community information programs and resources & Emergency relief, crisis counselling, casework, financial counselling, No Interest Loan Scheme NILS), financial literacy workshops. As well as prevention of family breakdown and family violence program, Keeping It Together.

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CatholicCare Refugee and Settlement program
Provides social and life skills for newly arrived young people and their families, case management, employment and training support, English literacy, financial literacy and family and community participation in social activities, local events, festivals. Service is open to all communities (refugees and newly arrived).

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SECL General Counselling
SECL Youth Services provides general support to young people aged 14-25 years. Issues include: grief, anxiety, depression, relationships, drug and alcohol dependence, mental health issues related to unemployment and/or homelessness, personal and interpersonal issues, behavioural issues.

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City of Greater Dandenong Counselling and Support
We offer free and confidential counselling where young people can talk about anything that might be bothering or stressing them out, including: relationships, family conflict, school issues, mental health issues like depression and anxiety and much more. Youth and family counsellors can see young people either on their own or with their family.

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SECASA Counselling
Confidential counselling and support for those who have been sexually or physically assaulted recently or in the past.

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Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre
Provides one-on-one support to refugee young people. Other services include activities (sport, school holiday programs, workshops, art, competitions and homework support).

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SECASA AWARE provide assessment and treatment of sexually abusive behaviour (SAB) and problem sexual behaviour (PSB) in children and young people, whilst providing support to their parents and carers in the southern region of Melbourne, Victoria.

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Making Rights Reality
Making Rights Reality is a program at the South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (SECASA) that gives extra help to adults who have been sexually assaulted and who have an intellectual disability or Acquired Brain Injury, or use aids to communicate.

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Financial Counselling Southern
Financial Counselling Southern provides financial counselling in partnership with Springvale Community Aid and Advice Bureau and Monash Health. Financial counsellors work with vulnerable and disadvantaged people experiencing financial stress, they can assess the financial situation, identify and discuss options relating to credit card or personal loan debt, mortgage arrears, housing insecurity, utility debts and disconnections, council rates, bankruptcy, fines, Centrelink overpayments, taxation debts and complaints about creditors or debt collection agents.

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headspace Dandenong
headspace Dandenong provides young people and their families with access to youth friendly counsellors, psychologists, GPs and other professionals who can provide information and support if a young person is: feeling stressed out or sad, finding it hard to cope, not sleeping well or sleeping too much, finding it hard to concentrate, needing support for drinking or drug misuse, being bullied, hurt or harassed or worried about work or study.

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headspace Narre Warren
headspace Narre Warren provides young people and their families with access to youth friendly counsellors, psychologists, GPs and other professionals who can provide information and support if a young person is: feeling stressed out or sad, finding it hard to cope, not sleeping well or sleeping too much, finding it hard to concentrate, wanting support for drinking or drug misuse, being bullied, hurt or harassed or worried about work or study.

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Berwick Family Relationships Centre
We are active in the area of family relationship services through Family Relationship Centres (FRCs), established by the Australian Government as part of the reform of the family law system in 2005. RAV also runs accredited training and development professional training for those seeking to acquire or enhance their skills to provide relationship support and family dispute resolution services which are accessible via the website.

Please visit our website for a list of the services we offer.

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Child/Adolescent Counselling
Counselling for young people involves talking to a professional, compassionate and skilled practitioner who understands how young people communicate, the difficulties they face and how best to resolve them. Counselling is judgement-free, confidential and tailored to the young person's unique needs.

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Counselling Services
Counselling for women and people under the age of 18 years who: have experienced sexual assault and those people around them who have been impacted by this assault, those who have experienced family violence, children who demonstrate concerning sexual behaviours and/or children at risk of being placed, or who have been placed, in out of home care.

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ECHO Youth and Family Services provides chaplains in four local schools. Our experienced chaplains concentrate on one-to-one counselling with young people in crisis and work with young people to address common issues such as body image, addictions, grief and behaviour management.

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Victims Assistance Program
If you are the victim of a violent crime, help is available through the Victims Assistance Program (VAP). Our role as part of VAP is to help you to deal with and recover from the effects of the crime by providing you with services tailored to your needs. We can help you in a number of ways: •Emotional and physical support — practical assistance and counselling •Advocacy — providing you with a voice •Providing information, practical assistance and referrals to other services •Helping with preparing Victim Impact Statements and submissions to the Adult Parole Board •Offering support to access the criminal justice system (for both reported and unreported crimes) and to lodge Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) applications where eligible.

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City of Casey Youth Counselling and Support Service (YCASS)
The Youth Counselling and Support team offer free, confidential, short term counselling for young people aged 10 to 25 who have a strong link to the City of Casey. The service also supports parents and carers of young people who are experiencing difficulties or concerned about their child's mental wellbeing.

• Individual Youth Counselling: for young people 13-25 years old who live, work, study or have a significant connection to Casey.
• Parent Assisted Therapy: for children 10-12 years old, where parents will be actively involved in the counselling process and implementing strategies at home.
• Parent Support Sessions: for parents or carers of 10-25 year olds, with the aim of providing mental health information, communication strategies with and refining parenting skills.

All services are confidential and offered free, without the need for a mental health care plan. Parental consent is required for anyone under the age of 13 before they can begin receiving services.

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SuicideLine is a 24/7 telephone counselling service offering professional support to people at risk of suicide, people concerned about someone else’s risk of suicide, and people bereaved by suicide.

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Suicide Call Back Service
The Suicide Call Back Service is a 24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling to people 15 years and over who fit one of the following categories:
•People who are suicidal
•People caring for someone who is suicidal
•People bereaved by suicide
•Health professionals supporting people affected by suicide.

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Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline is a free, 24 hour counselling service for young people aged 5-25 years. Counselling is offered by phone, email and over the web.

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13 11 14 is a confidential telephone crisis support service available 24/7 from a landline, payphone or mobile. Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can contact Lifeline. Regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation our trained volunteers are ready to listen, provide support and referrals.

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Engaging Families
Engaging Families provides outreach and counselling support for families with children under the age of 12 living within Cardinia Region. Supports are targeted for people experiencing Family Violence as well as Alcohol and Other Drugs concerns and Mental Health concerns. Includes counselling, parenting support, outreach services, advocacy and group programs.

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Merinda Park Adolescent and Adult Counselling Services
MPAACS provides long and short term counselling services to youth between the ages of 10-25 as well as adults in the City of Casey. The service provides individuals and families with support in dealing with issues such as grief, trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, domestic violence, family conflict and breakdown, learning problems, addictive behaviours, emotional issues, mental illness and beyond.

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Family Violence Counselling
Provides specialised individual or family counselling for victim/ survivors of family violence or sexual assault. Provides free counselling up to 12 sessions with options for extension. Book in for an initial assessment session within 2 weeks of contact.

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The Hub Koo Wee Rup Youth Centre
The Hub is a free and confidential service available to all young people between the ages of 10 - 25 years old, in a relaxed and friendly environment. We assists young people in obtaining professional health care, accessing information and taking an active role in taking care of their health. The Hub can offer access to services and assistance in building better relationships, school assistance, access to medical services, drug and alcohol help, healthy eating, healthy lifestyles and exercise. Young people will have access to a Doctor in order to address general health concerns such as colds, skin conditions, ache and pains. Counselling and treatment options are available to those with concerns or struggles with drug or alcohol issues. A wide range of information and brochures are freely available. Pregnancy testing and contraception options, such as free condoms and emergency contraception, Testing for sexually transmitted infections, Sexual assault counselling, support and referral. An initial health assessment is given to each young person, and a Mental Health Care Plan can be completed by the Doctor. Assistance is available for young people dealing with, Anxiety or depression, Eating disorders, Grief and Loss, Family breakups or bullying, Suicidal thoughts and self-harm.

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Relationships Australia Victoria (Cranbourne)
Our Cranbourne North Centre exclusively provides men's behaviour change programs and case management support. For information about our other programs and services, including counselling and other group programs, please visit website for more information.

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StandBy - Support After Suicide
The StandBy program is focused on supporting anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide at any stage in their life, including: individuals, families and friends, witnesses, first responders, and service providers. StandBy is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, providing free face-to face and/or telephone support at a time and place that is best for each individual. The program offers coordinated evidence-based support and resources (including connections to local services and groups) that is individualised for each person’s unique circumstance. This support is continued for up to two years to ensure those that engage with StandBy are not alone and receive ongoing support.

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